Haven’t These People Heard of Birth Control?


As we used to say in the news business, “You can’t make this shit up.” Just days after John McCain shocked the nation with his choice of veep running mate–that sly old dog–it’s revaled that Alaska governor Sarah Palin’s 17-year old daughter, Jamie Lynn Spears, or Bristol, is pregs by some guy named Levi. As an advocate of abstinence over sex education, guv’s girl obviously wasn’t listening to mommy. And the net is abuzz with rumors that the 5-month old youngest Palin child is really the girl’s, that Sarah was covering for her by faking her pregnancy, that she went out of her way to have the kid in some backwoods Alaskan hospital where there isn’t even a record of it. I’m betting lots of money that whereever the truth lies, this decision is going to come back and bit McCain in the ass.


Author: Hillary Atkin

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