Letterman Vs. Palin: No Contest


What is this, an SNL skit? Sarah Palin is hysterical….accusing David Letterman of suggesting her young daughter should be raped. The late night host has been having fun with it all week. Yes, he made a mistake, thinking Palin was a Yankee game with daughter Bristol, the one who had the kid out of wedlock, and joking that A-Rod might knock her up in the 7th inning stretch. Turns out she was actually with one of her younger girls. Sigh…

No one would suggest that a 14 year old should have sex with a ballplayer. But Palin’s indignation about not going on Letterman and “raising the 62-year old entertainer’s ratings” is pretty funny, considering she’s been everywhere on the airwaves complaining about his pretty lame joke. Can’t wait until Tina Fey sends this up!


Author: Hillary Atkin

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